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Association for Natural Medicine in Europe e.V.

... for natural health promotion in Europe!


Association for Natural Medicine in Europe e.V.

... for natural health promotion in Europe!


The International Yoga Day in the UK Parliament and the Nehru Centre of The High Commission of India

20th + 21st of June in London with the participation of the Professional Chamber Sanator

Report by Marketa Lacikova and the APPG

On behalf of All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) - Indian Traditional Sciences, a warm welcome was given by Rt Hon Tom Brake MP, to Committee Room 10 full to bursting of enthusiastic participants for the 5th Int’l Yoga Day at the Houses of Commons on Thursday evening 20th June 2019. He read the proposed one-million signature petition to the European parliament on Traditional Medicines:
“As a citizen, I urge our policy makers, at national and European level, to encourage the medical profession to take a more holistic view of our health, looking at the whole person not just particular symptoms, promoting overall well-being, and recognising the potential benefits of complementary treatments, including respected traditional approaches such as Ayurveda and Yoga.”

Tom also read an Early Day Motion No. 2465 tabled by him on 10 June 2019 and asked all participants to encourage their members of parliament to sign it.
”That this House celebrates the 5th International Yoga Day on 20 June 2019, first adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015; notes the words of Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India that Yoga is an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition that embodies unity of mind and body, is a holistic approach to health and well-being and a means to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature; further notes that medical research has shown Yoga has proven health benefits from a wide range of physical and mental problems; considers that Yoga is a means of maintaining good health and can help people and patients to care for themselves; recognises that Yoga empowers patients and restores them as agents of their own health and healing; urges the NHS to consider including Yoga in the prevention and well-being initiatives within the NHS both for patients and for staff; and calls on the Government to consider introducing a Yoga Chair in all Medical Schools so that the rising generation of medical students gain a thorough grounding in this traditional and timeless knowledge of health and well-being.”
He also read a message from Her Majesty the Queen for her good wishes on the 5th Int’l Yoga Day.

Tomas Pfeiffer the director of the Professional Chamber Sanator – the Union of Biotronicists of Josef Zezulka participated in the conference in the UK Parliament held on the occasion of the International Yoga Day under the auspices of Rt Hon Tom Brake, MP and with the support of the Indian AYUSH minister Hon Shripad Naik. The event was attended by important figures of public life: Virendra Sharma MP, Rohit Vadhwana first secretary from the High Commission of India in the UK, N. L. A. Haleem Consular at the High Commission of Sri Lanka in the UK and Ragasudha Rani Vinjamuri associate lecturer at the University of Sunderland in London.

Speeches were given by Padmashree Dr. Hngasandra Ramarao Nagendra from Yogic University in Bengaluru in India, Vishwaguru Maheshwaranda Puriji from Vienna, who leads hundreds of Yoga groups across Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and India, Pujya Shri Rambapa, globally acclaimed humanitarian and spiritual leader from the UK aged ninety-nine, Swami Anubhavananda Saraswati known as the “Smiling Swami“, sister Jayanti European director of Brahma Kumaris which she has represented in the United Nations in Geneva since 1982, a woman striving for world peace and justice, Amarjeet S Bhamra secretary of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Indian Traditional Sciences.

The symposium continued in the Nehru Centre of the High Commission of India in London on 21st June. The event was divided into three parts:

  1. First session was chaired by John Porter, a Professor of International Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where he works on the Indian concept of the 4th Tier – population self-reliance in health. He is also the Chair of the LSHTM Research Ethics Committee.

    1. Prof. Kambhampati Subrahmanyam MA (Eng.), MA (Phil), PhD is currently the Pro-Chancellor at the S-VYASA Yoga University, at Bengaluru, India. An advocate of yogic studies, he has travelled on lecture tours both in India and abroad propagating Yoga, Vedanta, and Indian ethical and epic literature and movingly spoke on S-VYASA’s Yoga Movement for Global Well-being.
    2. Sister Jayanti is European Director of Brahma Kumaris. A spiritual leader and teacher for 50 years, she has dedicated her life to self-transformation and service to humanity and has brought spiritual principles to the discussion tables of politicians, economists, business leaders, scientists and nearly every stakeholder of our times and spoke on Raja Yoga Meditation and Climate Change.
    3. Vidhi Sadana is a consultant Yoga Therapist and has completed the first ever UK Yoga Therapy service evaluation in an NHS setting. She is also first trainer in the UK for Imperial Medical Students to teach Yoga Therapy short course modules and spoke on Gentle for Mental Health.
    4. Dr James Mallinson is Senior Lecturer in Sanskrit and Classical Indian Studies at SOAS University of London where he is currently leading a five-year research project on the history of Haṭha Yoga funded by the European Research Council. He has spent time living in India with Traditional Yogis and Sadhus, and elaborated on Yoga Studies - Teaching and Research across the World.
  2. Second session was chaired by Tomas Pfeiffer supported with translations in Czech and English by Markéta Lacikova, and Ludmila Dolakova. Tomas is a biotronicist, working in the area of spiritual healing for more than 40 years in Prague.

    1. Yogi Ashokananda has dedicated his entire adult life in service to humanity by teaching, writing, mentoring, learning, speaking on yoga, meditation, spirituality and spoke on Yoga and Health.
    2. Today, for most people, the word “yoga” usually conjures up images of twisting the body into impossible postures. The physical aspect of yoga is only one facet of this multi-dimensional science. Arundhati Rajesh addressed the audience and shared her experiences on Isha Yoga.
    3. Dr Antonio Bartolome, is chief administrator of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s organisation in Spain and Portugal, who kindly presented Maharishi’s approach to Yoga. Maharishi Yoga provides level of preparation that progresses sequentially from more active to quieter, from grosser to subtler effects on mind-body integration.
  3. Third session was chaired by Prof Venkat Joshi, Senior Lecturer, Professor, Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Principal of Undergraduate Studies, Mentor, Academic Consultant. This session was kindly supported with translations in Spanish and English by Joaquín Catalán.

    1.  Dr. Miguel Quel Benedicto MD, PHD is a doctor in Mental Health, Neuropsychiatrist and Secretary General of the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of the Province of Valencia in Spain and delivered an amazing speech on Eclectic Medicine.
    2. Joaquín Catalán is a Business Economist, Lawyer, who has been honored as a Lifetime member of The International Society of Business Leaders. At present he teaches at EDEM University Centre and Business School in Valencia. He addressed the topic of Collaboration between professionals of Contemporary and Traditional Medicines.
    3. Integrative Medicine Applied to Cosmetics and Natural Nutrition was Sabina María Teresa Salvador’s presentation. She is Pharmaceutical Homeopath, Master in Natural Medicine, Integrative Therapist applying quantum principles based in Spain.
    4. Concepción Rodriguez lives in Malaga and works with Vicente Ferrer Foundation which carries out humanitarian projects in Andhra Pradesh, India, bringing aid to over 2.5 million people. She has written ‘Solar initiation in the new Shamballa’, "The wonderful journey of self-discovery" and "The golden key to have good health" and she allured the audience to her deliberations of Food for Yogis.
    5. Maria Dolores Cejudo, finished her bachelor's degree in Education, and became a teacher of children with special needs, manager of an occupational centre for disabled people and currently presides at the Association of Pepe Bravo Centre which she addressed in her talk.
    6. Stephan Hein spoke on Yoga Nedra: the meditative Heart of Yoga. This practice is an ancient awareness and meditation practice that translates as “the Yogic sleep”. It induces a state of sleep for the physical body and the conscious mind, whilst one maintains illuminating awareness that rises from deeper layers of consciousness.
    7.  Distance Healing was Dr Christiana Oware Knudsen’s presentation. Born in the Gold Coast, she holds a degree in Social Anthropology from the University of Aarhus, in Denmark. She has carried out research and published books on Female Circumcision in Ghana
    8. Our Special Guest Prof Dr Tanuja Nesari from All India Ayurveda Institute in New Delhi which is an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. Prof. Nesari completed her M.D. and Ph.D. in Ayurvedic Pharmacology (Dravyagunavidnyan) from Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar. She is also the Chief Executive Officer at National Medicinal Plants Board, Ministry of AYUSH. Her contribution was on Yoga, Ayurveda for Health and Wellbeing.

Sister Jayanti and sanator Tomas Pfeiffer were awarded the honourable recognition AMBASSADOR to the enormous contribution for people’s Freedom of Choice in Global Pluralistic Health and Care by the All Party Parliamentary Group of Indian Traditional Sciences of the UK Parliament. Tomas Pfeiffer introduced the Congress CAM 2020 Prague with the title “Health knows no boundaries - let’s seek what unites us”, which will be held in Prague on 11th - 13th September 2020.

The participants of the symposium expressed a great importance of spirituality and a vegetarian diet for the human life and also the life of the entire planet.
The audience were also presented with the ideas of Dr. Shantha Godagama, Dr. Mauroof Athique, Professor John Porter, Professor Venkat Joshi, Joaquín Catalán, Dr. Miguel Quel, Dr. Juan Crespo de la Rosa, Yogi Ashokananda, Vidhi Sadana, Padma Coram and Deborah Kalstan.




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